Juan A. Rodriguez

ServiceNow Research
Mila, Quebec AI Institute
École de Technologie Superieure, University of Quebec
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hi, I am Juan Rodriguez, you can also call me Joan (in Catalan).
I am a Researcher at ServiceNow Research and a PhD student at Mila and École de Technologie Superieure, University of Quebec. I am based in Montreal, Canada, but I am from Barcelona, Spain. I am advised by Prof. Marco Pedersoli, Prof. Chris Pal, and Dr. David Vazquez
My research interests are in the intersection of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, with a focus on multimodal generative models. I am interested in learning how to leverage information from different modalities to generate more accurate and controlable outputs in all modalities. Recently I have been working with large language and vision models using transformers and diffusion. I have also been exploring the paradigm of generating code as an alternative for generating images (e.g. scalable vector graphics).
I obtained a M.Sc. in Computer Vision from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) with honors for my master thesis Text to Scientific Figure Generation performed at ServiceNow Research and advised by Dr. David Vazquez and Dr. Pau Rodríguez. Previously, I obtained a B.Sc. in Telecommunication Networks Engineering from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and carried out my bachelor thesis on Handwritten Text Recognition advised by Prof. Xavier Binefa. I did research internships at UPF advised by Prof. Xavier Binefa and Prof. Miquel Oliver, and at CVC-UAB advised by Prof. Joost van de Weijer.